Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

Red Fox

When driving along Lakeview Line people have to be very careful because we have wildlife that regularly dart out across from the forests which line either side of the road. Upon driving to work some of our staff have spotted a red fox that we believe resides somewhere in the surrounding area.
It is quite a sight to see a red fox because of their unique colouration making them almost rusty orange in colour. However, not all red foxes are actually a red hue, many are brown or black in colour and some can even be almost silver. These fascinating animals resemble a small dog with a bushy tail with a white end. They are a lean animal that is quick on its feet which allows it to be a good predator. When they create a den, foxes enjoy sandy soil on the edge of woodlands or fields.
Red Foxes are a nocturnal animal which makes them a rare sight for viewers during the day. These animals eat a variety of small rodents like moles, mice and rabbits but is also a fan of chicken, plants and berries.
For more information on Red Foxes please visit the following website:

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